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Kaimon are mystical creatures that inhabit the world of Kaimon - New Age Online, an expansive Multiplayer Online RPG where the player, who play as a Tamer, form bonds with these creatures to battle, explore, and shape the world around them.


The Kaimon were created by the 5 Kai, godlike beings that originally were one, but later split into five distinct entities, each governing their own domain on a vast planet. The Kai, seeking companionship for humans, created the Kaimon to communicate and bond with them. To further connect with the world, each Kai eventually split themselves into Primal Kaimon, residing within their respective domains.

Types and Species

Kaimon are divided in 11 Types:

  • Neutral Type - No specific Elemental Affinity.
  • Geo Type - Associated with Rocks, Minerals, Diamonds & Crystals
  • Chloro Type - Associated with Nature, Plants, Photosynthesis & Fauna
  • Pyro Type - Associated with Fire, Explosions, Magma & Plasma
  • Hydro Type - Associated with Water, Ocean & The Sea
  • Electro Type - Associated with Electricity & Magnets
  • Aero Type - Associated with Wind & Sound
  • Cryo Type - Associated with Ice
  • Anemo Type - Associated with Mental & Spiritual Energy
  • Auro Type - Associated with Qi and Life-Force Energy
  • Umbreo Type - Associated with Negative & Death Energy

These types guide their abilities, behaviors, and relationships within the world. Kaimon can resemble animals, mythical creatures, or entirely new life forms and are normally organized in the world by what they may resemble. Interestingly enough, a Kaimon that looks like a fish may be categorized as a fish or called a fish, even though fish do not exist in the world.

Bonding with Kaimon

Tamers connect with Kaimon using a special power known as Capture Energy. By channeling this energy through various techniques, Tamers can link with Kaimon, who will then bond with them. This bond is stored in the Tamer’s soul, allowing them to carry numerous Kaimon, although only six can be actively used at any time.

Tamers can also release Kaimon back into the wild if they choose to, ensuring that they are not permanently linked to any creature unless desired by both.

Primals & Rare Kaimon

Each domain has Primal Kaimon that are considered the most powerful of their kind. In Leeore, for example, there are Leeore Primals. If the Primals in any domain are ever united, they can reform into the original Kai that created the domain. These creatures are often the focus of legends and play significant roles in the world's lore.

Abilities and Rarity

Kaimon possess a wide variety of abilities depending on their species and type. They can be used in battle, competitions, or even for day-to-day activities such as producing resources. Some Kaimon are extremely rare, and others, like the Primals, are one-of-a-kind, godlike creatures with immense power.

Kaimon can evolve and grow stronger, often through gaining experience. Some species are so rare they are nearly extinct, while others may manifest in the wild if enough belief surrounds them.

Breeding and Ranching

Kaimon have specific egg groups which determine their breeding compatibilities. Tamers can become Kaimon Ranchers and participate in breeding to pass down desirable traits or to create stronger generations of Kaimon. Ranching is a key feature of the game, allowing players to raise and care for their Kaimon, form deep bonds, and even help breed new generations for competitive battling.

See Also

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